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  1. JimAbs43

    Podcast 610 - Mike Van Wyck Steroid Cycle 610 - Mike Van Wyck Steroid Cycle
  2. Z

    Steroids a buddy did steroids after 3 months in the gym

    so I tried to convince a buddy of mine not to do it but he decided to use steroids after only training for three months. He did sustanon, deca and some dbol. He said he read that was a great bulking stack. The guy ended up putting on like 20 pounds but also ended up with gyno and lots of side...
  3. JimAbs43

    Podcast Hardcore 2.0 #77 - Introduction to Ultima Pharma Hardcore 2.0 #77 - Introduction to Ultima Pharma
  4. JimAbs43

    Podcast Hardcore 2.0 #73 - Why 15ml vials better than 10ml - with Euro Pharma Hardcore 2.0 #73 - Why 15ml vials better than 10ml - with Euro Pharma
  5. JimAbs43

    Podcast Hardcore 2.0 #71 - Best Summer cut with Beligas Pharma Hardcore 2.0 #71 - Best Summer cut with Beligas Pharma
  6. R

    Steroids how would you run sustanon for optimal gains?

    I’m looking to try sustanon and keep hearing different opinions on how to use it. Some say you need to run it EOD and some say you need to run it weekly People also say because it’s different blends that there’s a good effect where it doesn’t stop working and you keep gaining throughout just...
  7. T

    SARMS curious about yk11 and its benefits

    I’m curious to know more about the benefits of yk11. Seems like it had some development when it come to bulking up Beyond what is a normal situation. I believe they called it something like a myostatin inhibitor. Does anyone know about it? I’m super skinny like 140 pounds and I like to take...
  8. B

    NapsGear napsgear lowering my dosing perfectly

    decided to lower my doses on my napsgear cycle. Previously been using a source from my buddy but I had a feeling that the stuff he was giving me was under dose or diluted. I think he was diluting it and then selling me the product and ripping me off. I’ve been able to use half as much napsgear...
  9. JimAbs43

    Podcast Hardcore 2.0 #57 - Pharmaqo Labs an Introduction Hardcore 2.0 #57 - Pharmaqo Labs an Introduction
  10. M

    Steroids adding things to TRT

    already going to an anti-aging clinic and they have a long list of additions that I can add to my current trt which is 200 milligrams a week of testosterone. There are lists includes peptides, vitamins, other steroids, and even growth hormone. Obviously it’s going to be more money the more...
  11. io-podcast

    Podcast Hardcore 71 - [2024] Omnadren 250 Revisited

    In this IronOverload for IO podcast your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - [2024] Omnadren 250 Revisited The history of Omnadren (differ from Sustanon) How to best use Omnadren How to best manage any side effects Is it a dry or wet steroid? How to dose and stack it Link to articles...
  12. W

    SARMS taking a break from steroids, going to sarms

    so I just came off a deca an dbol steroid cycle. Put on a lot of size and strength maybe a little too much which is making my family and co-workers very suspicious LOL. Looking to switch over to sarms now. I’m gonna target using gw, s4 and maybe lgd on my next stack. I’m at 210 pounds and 5’9’’...
  13. io-podcast

    Podcast Hardcore 68 - [2024] Superdrol Revisited

    In this IronOverload for YouTube podcast your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - [2024] Superdrol Revisited The background behind the whole designer steroid and prohormone issue How many people have used SDol for dry gains Side effects to watch out for Dosing and stacking And other...
  14. Z

    SARMS GHRP-2 advantages and disadvantages

    looking for some advice on what peptide I should try next I’ve tried Hex and I’ve tried tb500 both were good for recovery but want to try a GHRP next. What would be the good and bad to using GHRP-2 and how is it better or worse then using another GHRP like GHRP-6 or a GHRH? And would you...
  15. io-podcast

    Podcast Hardcore 65 - Top 5 steroids in 2023 Exposed

    In this IronOverload podcast your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - Top 5 steroids in 2023 Exposed The poll parameters A brief breakdown of the demographics We discuss each of the top 5 Why buyers buy these PEDs Picking what works for you Link to article...
  16. R

    Supplements estrogen levels too high

    I’ve never used steroids before but I got blood work done and my estrogen levels are way too high I believe that that’s contributing to why I have very flabby pecs is there any supplement that can help get my estrogen levels down as I believe if that happens I’ll start dropping fat very quickly
  17. io-podcast

    Podcast Hardcore 60 - Training hard in the gym! why?

    In this IronOverload podcast your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - Training hard in the gym! Why? What is truly hard training? Why people don't do it Do you need to? The difference PEDs make Getting the best from a workout Link to article...
  18. M

    Steroids test prop worth it or no?

    I’ve heard some really good things about testosterone propionate and I’ve heard some really scary things can you give me some of your own personal experiences with it so I could see if it’s worth it for me? 1. I’ve read that it aromatizes less than regular test, while others say it aromatizes...
  19. N

    Steroids bulking on steroids

    I’m looking to bulk up on steroids next 28 years old and I am 5 foot 9 inches in 175 pounds spent the past two years training natural and put on about 20 pounds that way. Now I hit a wall looking at doing the bulker stack dbol deca sustanon any advice on how best to use these in terms of dosing...
  20. N

    Steroids Putting on 2 pounds per week normal?

    I’m five weeks into my current cycle on Dianabol and also equipoise I’m averaging about two pounds per week because I am up close to 11 pounds do you think this is normal on steroids or should I be putting on more weight on a cycle like this? My full stats are 30 years old and I am 185 pounds
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