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Steroids how would you run sustanon for optimal gains?


New member
I’m looking to try sustanon and keep hearing different opinions on how to use it.
Some say you need to run it EOD and some say you need to run it weekly
People also say because it’s different blends that there’s a good effect where it doesn’t stop working and you keep gaining throughout
just trying to separate the Bro Science from the real science
I’m looking to try sustanon and keep hearing different opinions on how to use it.
Some say you need to run it EOD and some say you need to run it weekly
People also say because it’s different blends that there’s a good effect where it doesn’t stop working and you keep gaining throughout
just trying to separate the Bro Science from the real science
250mgs sustanon 1 pin per week thats enough
dont do eod at all
EOD is what people who don't understand how esters work think. sustanon was designed for trt. the purpose is to take a bigger dose, INFREQUENTLY.

by taking it EOD you are literally screwing up the entire peak of the steroid esters. if you want to use 500mgs a week for example, take 1000mgs every 2 weeks
sustanon and nebido should be taken for those on TRT only. not for steroid cycles IMO
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