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SARMS yk11 curiousity and help


New member
I’m interested in trying yk11 for its bulking properties. I heard it makes the muscles very brittle though from a buddy who tried it which was weird and when he stopped using it a couple weeks later he got bigger.
I know this stuff is hardly researched. But I would like to experiment with it and run five milligrams a day for five weeks and see what it does for me. Is this a good option?
22 years old and I’m 180 pounds
I’m interested in trying yk11 for its bulking properties. I heard it makes the muscles very brittle though from a buddy who tried it which was weird and when he stopped using it a couple weeks later he got bigger.
I know this stuff is hardly researched. But I would like to experiment with it and run five milligrams a day for five weeks and see what it does for me. Is this a good option?
22 years old and I’m 180 pounds
yk11 is good for bulking
but your age just stick to yk11 5mgs and rad140 10mgs with n2guard
i would not recommend it at 22 years old.. i would start with something far more mild like ostarine or ac262
I’m interested in trying yk11 for its bulking properties. I heard it makes the muscles very brittle though from a buddy who tried it which was weird and when he stopped using it a couple weeks later he got bigger.
I know this stuff is hardly researched. But I would like to experiment with it and run five milligrams a day for five weeks and see what it does for me. Is this a good option?
22 years old and I’m 180 pounds
Say what?
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