My story is simple my goals are to gain about 10 or 12 lbs of lean muscle I know it’s not going to happen on one cycle but I would like to it to happen over the course of the next year.
I plan on busting my ass and training every single day and doing fasted cardio to stay lean.
My stats are...
My mood seems to be all over the place and I would like to take something to help with that
checking and a compound that is recommended is semax.
My dosage I was thinking of doing was half a milligram per day.
How long can I use this stuff and what kind of experiences have you guys experienced...
I’m 44 years old and I’m just a gym bro who stands at 5’8” 205 lbs
would like to just blast and cruise going forward. My plan is blast with steroids and then use sarms to cruise on for like 12-16 weeks.
This will be my 18 month plan to build some quality mass.
Which sarms would work good to add...
I’m 40 years old and I’m currently 200 lbs and 6’3”
I’ve been doing sarms for the past 10 weeks and I ended up doing rad140 now I want to switch to something else .. didn’t really see much with rad, just a few pounds
I want to bulk up more. Do you think I should stack some s23 and s4 at 25mgs a...
Doing my research online seems like this is a great bulking stack for someone in my situation.
I’m 5’7” 168 lbs and I’m looking to bulk up and be a dude that you don’t want to run into in a dark alley. I’m 29 years old this will be my first real cycle but I’ve used other things in the past like...
I just worked over about $360 for some sessions with a personal trainer over the next few weeks
I’m definitely looking to get the most out of my training and I want to add sarms
he’s gonna have me do a 4 day split and my goal is more gains and better recovery
I’m 6 ft tall and around 180 lbs and...
I’m 24 years old and I’m 220 lbs and 6’4”. my strength isn’t up to par with how much I weigh
I’m only benching around 300 lbs and that’s after a couple steroid cycles
I’m looking to transition over to sarms. What would you recommend if you had to pick between s4 and s23?
Hoping that 8 weeks...
Well I finally did it. I was doing bench n pushing for a new personal records and I felt a snap on my chest.
Ironically I actually ended up nailing the lift but afterwards I experienced swelling pretty quickly.
Went and got it checked and I definitely tore my pectoral muscle
doctor says that I’m...
What do you all think about doing some ostarine mk2866 +gw501516 for lean muscle gains and losing fat?
My stats are 24 years old and I am approximately 167 lbs and 5’6”
I’m training four times a week at the gym but will increase it to 5 or 6 times a week
with this stack work really good for 12...
Has anyone tried using cutting sarms + T3 + semaglutide?
I was wanting to cut down bigtime ahead of spring and look good for the summer. Currently 228 lbs and around 25% body fat and I’m 40 years old
My thoughts were this:
lgd4033 25mgs a day
rad140 10mgs a day
gw501516 20mgs a day
t3 50mcg per...
not sure if I’m gonna run this and sometime in the spring or wait till the summer but I would like to get a sarms stack put together for cutting.
I’m 48 years old and I’m 5’10” 238 lbs and around 25% body fat
Gonna be gw501516 involved at 30mgs a day. That is set in stone
now I gotta add more...
I’m looking to cut down extremely fast. My body fat currently is around 20% and I would like to get it down closer to the 10%
I’ve ballooned over the past year and I’m not happy with my physique when I look in the mirror
I’m 35 years old and I’m around 248 lbs
what do you think about doing GW...
I’m currently 28 years old I’m 5’11” and I’m 218 lbs
my goal is to get stronger but I don’t want any side effects
gonna be putting together a nice power stack when it comes to my next sarms run.
8 weeks
rad140 10mgs a day
s4/andarine 50mgs a day
ostarine 20mgs a day
anything else you would add here?
27 years old and I’m 5’10” 198 lbs and around 18% body fat.
this will be the 3rd time I’ve used sarms. Haven’t had good success with cutting in the past.
This time I was looking to try sarms but use them along with daily exercise. Before I wasn’t working out on them or eating good. My diet Needs...
I did a google search for the perfect peptide based on my goals.
CJC-1295 was the one that came up for me.
I’m 48 years old and around 210 pounds. I want to get better with energy and anti aging/recovery
what do you think about doing 150mcg 2x per day? Worth it or nah?
I’m 21 years old and this is my first time with sarms and I’m scared.
My balls hurt a lot using sarms. I was making out with this girl at the movie theater and she gave me a HJ but didn’t finish. Now the next day my nuts hurt like crazy.
Any idea what could be causing this? I’m using ostarine...
I’m looking to put together the perfect stack using sarms for 10 weeks for bulking
I’m currently around 170 lbs and I’m 5’7”
the 2 sarms I want to use are:
lgd4033 20mgs a day
gw501516 10mgs a day
yk11 10mgs a day
is this a good plan to put on about 10 lbs?
I’m looking to do a nice cutting stack using GW 501516 and also using sr9009 with it
looking to do 20 mg of each per day and go 16 weeks
my stats are approximately 215 pounds and I’m 40 years old
my body fat is somewhere in the 20s I would like to drop it to less than 15%
do you think this would...
I’m looking to do a recomposition where I’m gaining some muscle and losing fat at the same time
my stats are 26 years old I’ve been training for about 3 years and I’m around 228 lbs
A friend of mine suggested for different sarms that he recommended for me
which ones from below should I be using...
I was wondering if you recommend using sarms for more explosive gains?
I’m 38 years old and around 5’10’’ and 218 pounds. I’ve hit a plateau with my size and I can’t get over 220 lbs what I’ll get more fat.
I would like to increase my mass without gaining fat
would lgd and rad be the best option...