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Steroids NPP really better then deca?


New member
What do you think about the comparison between NPP and deca.
Yes I know they are the same thing except their Esther is different but everybody I’ve talked to has a different opinion and say they’re completely different steroids and do completely different things in the body it’s really weird.
Those of you who’ve used both what are your experiences with them I’m thinking about doing 500 milligrams a week with some testosterone and maybe some winstrol added in.
34 years old and I am 209 pounds and I’m looking to bulk up a little bit
i prefer shorter cycles and so npp is much more preferred to me... i have some very well respected people who stand by the fact they get far less water retention and a much drier physique with npp... you can stay dry on deca by not misusing and abusing it but i always prefer to keep things on the shorter term for cycles if you can tolerate every other day pinning
What do you think about the comparison between NPP and deca.
Yes I know they are the same thing except their Esther is different but everybody I’ve talked to has a different opinion and say they’re completely different steroids and do completely different things in the body it’s really weird.
Those of you who’ve used both what are your experiences with them I’m thinking about doing 500 milligrams a week with some testosterone and maybe some winstrol added in.
34 years old and I am 209 pounds and I’m looking to bulk up a little bit
npp is better less sides imo

300mgs npp with 500mgs of test is the dose no winstrol, use anavar instead with n2guard
I've personally only use deca but i know some people swear by NPP or vice versa
it boils down to personal preference
What do you think about the comparison between NPP and deca.
Yes I know they are the same thing except their Esther is different but everybody I’ve talked to has a different opinion and say they’re completely different steroids and do completely different things in the body it’s really weird.
Those of you who’ve used both what are your experiences with them I’m thinking about doing 500 milligrams a week with some testosterone and maybe some winstrol added in.
34 years old and I am 209 pounds and I’m looking to bulk up a little bit
Love npp
What do you think about the comparison between NPP and deca.
Yes I know they are the same thing except their Esther is different but everybody I’ve talked to has a different opinion and say they’re completely different steroids and do completely different things in the body it’s really weird.
Those of you who’ve used both what are your experiences with them I’m thinking about doing 500 milligrams a week with some testosterone and maybe some winstrol added in.
34 years old and I am 209 pounds and I’m looking to bulk up a little bit
Bro, your companions are big jokers. They must be standup gym jocks. Never heard anything more bizarre about how they are completely different steroids.
To gain a little weight I would use a stack of Test Phenylpropionate + Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100mg of each EOD or 3 times a week (in one syringe). This will be more than enough and will keep things under control without much trouble.

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