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Approved Log My Testosterone 200 Masteron140 PE cycle Log

This mornings check ins weight currently sitting at 98kgs
On 4200cals 255 protein 635 carbs 65 fats
Very happy with the look I’m starting to grow into
Everything is starting to take shape and my weak points are growing. They may be growing slowly but growing nonetheless. Anyway have a killer day lads 💪


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This mornings check ins weight currently sitting at 98kgs
On 4200cals 255 protein 635 carbs 65 fats
Very happy with the look I’m starting to grow into
Everything is starting to take shape and my weak points are growing. They may be growing slowly but growing nonetheless. Anyway have a killer day lads 💪
you looking killer bro
Pull day

Exercise 1

Single arm seated cable lat pulldowns

Top set 70kg for 20 reps

Back off set 60kg for 20 reps

Repeat back off set to failure 60kg for 12 reps

Exercise 2

Chest supported lateral low row

Top set 220 for 10 reps

Back off set 180 for 15 reps

Repeat back off set to failure 180 kg for 11 reps

Exercise 3

Chest supported T bar rows

Top set 100kg for 11 reps

Back off set 80kg for 15 reps

Repeat back off set to failure 80 kg for 10 reps

Exercise 4

Cable lat pull-down with D handles

Top set 110kg for 8 reps

Back off set 89kg for 15 reps

Repeat back off set to failure 89 kg for 9 reps

Exercise 5

Cuffed cable pulldowns single arm

Top set 30kg for 15 reps

Back off set 20kgs for 20 reps

Repeat back off set to failure 20kg for 15 reps

Okay fellas so I know I didn’t post anything last week but that was due to my training remaining the same . This week however I have been given a set increase for every exercise where I essentially try and hit my last back off set numbers for set 3.

And for those asking yes I’m on 635 carbs and my body is handling it like a champ, I’m in my growth phase and it’s clearly not blowing my midsection out so we roll with it for now.

I also want to say I’m not making these calls my coach is 💪 thanks everyone for the love and support you’re constantly showing I appreciate each and every one of you and will continue to share my journey with you all!!

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