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Geneza Geneza pharma testosterone excellent grade


New member
My doctor gave me the green light to go ahead and order my own testosterone because he said the insurance company was over charging me. So i decided to try geneza pharma testosterone enanthate. He said he would order me bloodwork and see how close it was to the actual pharmacy stuff i was paying 5x for. The results came in yesterday and he called me to say that he was very impressed with what he saw! So we know they are legit
GP test is solid. you will not know the difference between that and the test you buy from the pharmacy
My doctor gave me the green light to go ahead and order my own testosterone because he said the insurance company was over charging me. So i decided to try geneza pharma testosterone enanthate. He said he would order me bloodwork and see how close it was to the actual pharmacy stuff i was paying 5x for. The results came in yesterday and he called me to say that he was very impressed with what he saw! So we know they are legit
Geneza pharma testosterone is fully pharma grade

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